CT Tseng 应用

農產品交易行情 1.2
CT Tseng
由於家中務農需要,家人常常有查詢農產品交易行情的需求因此為了方便,便開發了該APP,可以簡單的查到需要的資料目前該APP功能非常陽春,但未來將隨著各種需求逐漸強化如果您覺得新增什麼功能也可以對您有幫助的話,歡迎來信與我聯繫As the familyfarmingneeds, their families often have inquiries agriculturaltradingmarket demandTherefore, for convenience, we developed the APP, simplyrequiredinformation foundAt present, the APP is very spring, but the future willgraduallystrengthen as the various needsIf you feel that you can add what features help you, thenpleaseemail contact me
Watch TV News 1.33
CT Tseng
This app gathers free public YouTube live TVnews channel for you.
直營中油讚 1.100
CT Tseng
The APP will Taiwan's Chinese Petroleum News Direct station markedon the map, have insisted on the quality and convenient faithfulcar fuel use.
加油台亞讚 1.6
CT Tseng
本APP將台亞加油站的資訊標示在地圖上,方便對品質有所堅持的車友們加油使用。目前提供下列功能:1. 提供台澎金馬的台亞加油站的地圖資訊。2. 於地圖上展示各加油站地址、營業時間、電話等常用資訊。3. 於地圖上標示加油站是否有提供自助加油的資訊4. 提供台亞加油站服務項目篩選機制,方便個人化使用5. 提供下週油價預測機制供參考使用,資料來源為:http://www.taiwanoil.org/6. 提供油價相關新聞服務7. 點選加油站,可提供直接連結到該加油站之詳細服務資訊。8. 點選加油站,可提供快捷按鈕來快速啟動Google Map所提供的導航服務。9. 提供油價查詢功能若您對於該APP使用上還有任何希望新增修改的功能,歡迎來信由於各加油站的座標資訊為透過Google工具自動轉換所得,若有錯誤煩請來信指正,感謝您The APP will station substation information marked on the map, have insisted on the qualityand convenient faithful car fuel use.Currently offers the following features:Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu 1. Provide Taiwan and Asia gasstation maps.2. Show each station address, hours of operation, phone and othercommonly used information on the map.3. marked on the map if there are offers self-refueling stationsinformation4. Provide Taiwan and Asia gas station service project selectionmechanism to facilitate personal use5. The next week, the oil price prediction mechanism provided forreference use, sources of information: http://www.taiwanoil.org/6. Provide news service prices7. Click on the gas station, which provides direct links todetailed service information of the gas station.8. Click on the gas station, which provides shortcut buttons toquickly start navigation service provided by Google Map.9. Provide oil inquiryIf you use for the APP have any wish to modify the new features,please emailSince the coordinate information of each station is automaticallyconverted income, a letter should be grateful if the errorcorrection through the Google tool, Thank you
FlashVocab -Japanese JLPT word 1.3
CT Tseng
This app will show Japanese JLPT word cardonthe top of screen automatically. Users don't need to stay inthisapp, user can use other app simultaneously.It will be very helpful for you learning Japanese word when youareusing smart phone,Features:1. Show word card on the top of screen periodically.2. This app contains Japanese JLPT words.3. User can add their own custom words.4. User can custom the display properties of popup wordcardwindow.5. Provides useful functions: to pronounce, to web dictionary,tonext word, to store favorite word, and take a break.JLPT data source: http://www.tanos.co.uk/
AD Viewer - View all AD types 1.7
CT Tseng
This app provides ad management tool andalltypes of ADs for you.It provides the following AD types.1. InterstitialAd --- Text AD2. InterstitialAd --- Image AD3. InterstitialAd --- Video AD4. Standard Banner --- 320x505. Large Banner --- 320x1006. IAB Medium Rectangle --- 300x2507. IAB Full-Size Banner --- 468x608. IAB Leaderboard --- 728x909. Smart Banner --- Screen width x 32|50|90
看片學英語 2001
CT Tseng
The Watch Movies Learn English APP collects and sorts out the livevideos and links of English experts, official teaching channels andnews networks on Internet audio-visual websites, so that users canconveniently watch English teaching programs on Internetaudio-visual websites.
看片學日語 2.0
CT Tseng
The Kanpai Learn Japanese App collects and organizes live videosand links of Japanese masters, official teaching channels, and newswebsites on audio-visual websites, so that users can convenientlywatch Japanese-language teaching programs on audio-visual websites.
漂浮塗鴉 - 聊天時畫個塗鴨訊息吧 1.23
CT Tseng
漂浮塗鴉 透過簡便的飄浮視窗,讓您在使用LINE或是FB傳訊息時,能同時畫個塗鴉訊息進行傳送,增加聊天樂趣。
美妝tube—美妝教學影片搜尋器 1.16
CT Tseng
看片學西班牙語 1.1
CT Tseng
瘋狂背單字 - 【TOEIC + TOEFL + 全民英檢】 1.50
CT Tseng
瘋狂背日語 - 【JLPT】 1.25
CT Tseng
本APP將 JLPT常用的8000多個單字,以彈出式單字卡的方式定時在手機螢幕上出現及自動消失,在不打擾您使用手機的情況下,讓您瘋狂背日語,日文學習不中斷。
瘋狂背韓語 - 【TOPIK】 1.8
CT Tseng
小電視 2000
CT Tseng
看片學韓語 1.0
CT Tseng
看電視新聞APP - 「網路電視直播輕鬆看」 2002
CT Tseng
Watch News APP organizes the network audio-visual platform, thepublic film and television news broadcast links uploaded by themedia industry, and is supplemented by a simple operationinterface, providing users with convenient viewing on their mobilephones.
國旅卡APP - 國民旅遊卡特約商店地圖 560
CT Tseng
iTaiwan 免費政府WiFi地圖 1.30
CT Tseng
事求人 - 提供行政院人事行政總處事求人機關徵才資料 1.80
CT Tseng
事求人APP,本APP將臺灣行政院事求人機關徵才資訊於APP內呈現。[本APP使用事求人機關職缺公開資料,非政府官方APP]目前提供下列功能:1. 瀏覽事求人機關所提供之徵才資訊 2. 提供儲存我的職缺的功能 3. 提供徵才職缺篩選搜尋的功能
桃園美食地圖 - 屬於桃園人的美味食記地圖 1.0.80
CT Tseng